Please submit registration below by December 16, 2024, if you would like to join us!
Most prominent logo and your company name displayed on website along with a link to connect your website.
Most prominent listing on promotional flyers mailed to 700+ households and emailed to 800+ recipients.
Table signs with your company's logo on each lunch table at the conference.
A banquet table to display marketing materials in most prominent location.
Recognition in the press release promoting the conference.
Recognition from the podium at the conference.
Provide bags, pens, & notepads to all attendees.
Lunch for 2 with conference attendees.
2nd most prominent logo and your company name displayed on website along with a link to connect your website.
2nd most prominent listing on promotional flyers mailed to 700+ households and emailed to 800+ recipients.​
Recognition from the podium at the conference.
A banquet table to display marketing materials.
Lunch for 2 with conference attendees.
3rd most prominent logo and your company name displayed on website along with a link to connect your website.
3rd most prominent listing on promotional flyers mailed to 700+ households and emailed to 800+ recipients.​
A banquet table to display marketing materials.
Lunch for 1 with conference attendees.
Logo and company name displayed on website along with link to connect your website.
Listing on promotional flyers mailed to 700+ households and emailed to 800+ recipients.​
A banquet table to display marketing materials.
Lunch for 1 with conference attendees.
Conference attendees will receive a passport and are encouraged to visit each sponsor table for a stamp. The completed/stamped passports will be collected for a prize drawing. Sponsors are invited to bring a gift which then gives the sponsor the opportunity to personally introduce themselves from the podium and present their gift to the "winner."