Readers & Writers Workshop
The last Tuesday of each month, from 10:00 - 11:30am
Join Elizabeth St.John, critically acclaimed best-selling local author, as she introduces and discusses a variety of novels written by author friends from around the world.
In a social and relaxed environment, we’ll discuss insider techniques and tricks, and practice basic writing crafts from three-act drama to character arcs. Elizabeth’s author friends will provide personal insights on their books and own inspiration, from classical novels to historical events and family stories.
Enjoy a monthly book or two to read with the author’s insights, helpful writing exercises, and a lively discussion.
All welcome, readers, beginners, and experienced writers.
Sign up for the series, or a month at a time. Please bring a notebook.

Registration is required. To register now, please go BACK to the calendar and click REGISTER on the class you wish to attend.
You can also register by calling the Senior Center at 858-756-3041.